Friday, June 21, 2013

Big Bang Theory

I, Lola Grace, a very sweet puppy,
even if I do say so myself,
do not like loud noises.

I was asleep dreaming happy puppy thoughts
about running in the cool, green grass
chasing after my most favorite toy of all when suddenly a
shook my sleepy self awake!

I was so startled and scared by those loud noises
I sprang up speedy quick, jumped up 
and landed smack in the middle of  Papa's lap.

Papa, who had also been sleeping, went "Oomph!
Groaned and said, "Ugh! Thanks a lot, Lola Grace.
What's the matter with you? "

Before I could let him know what had scared me
the loud noises started again. "Bang!  Bang!  Bang!"
I started to shake and shiver,
trying to get as close to Papa as I could.
I stared at him face to face, eyeball to eyeball, nose to nose!
He held me close and said in a most disgusted voice, "Fireworks!
It's 11 o'clock at night. Don't those Idiots know what time it is?
It's June, not July! Idiots", he grumbled.
"It's okay, Lola Grace," he said. "I've got you, you're safe!"
Just then there came an even louder noise, "BOOOOM!"
"Idiots!" Papa said again while I huddled even closer.

Never in all my happy puppy days
had I ever heard about Idiots before.
What or who are they? Why do they make such scary noises?
Papa sure sounded like he did not like them.
If they are the ones who made those horrible noises,
then positively for sure, I do not like Idiots either! Not at all!
No how, no way are Idiots ever
going to be on my favorite things list!

I am going to stay as far away as I can from Idiots.
I am going to make that a Lola Grace Rule.
So be careful, if you know where the Idiots are,
be sure to cover your ears and stay far, far away from them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mower Rules!

I, Lola Grace, am a very lucky puppy, even if I do
say so myself. I found out I am filled
head to tail with good puppy luck.
Papa was going outside and I wanted to go outside with him.
I followed him to the door but Papa said,
 "No, Lola Grace, you can't come out right now.
It's a rule that you have to stay indoors when I mow the lawn
because it isn't safe for you be outside when I do.
Now, I, Lola Grace, was not one bit happy about staying indoors,
so I groaned my best small puppy groan and barked when I heard that.
  Shuckins, I can't remember all the other rules as it is.
And now he's added another one to that list!
These people sure do have a lot of 'Rules'! 

After Papa went outside, he went to the garage and came out with
this big toy on wheels. He started to roll it to the front yard.
I, Lola Grace, quick as quick can be ran lickety split into the
living room and using my strong puppy jumping legs
leaped on the sofa to look out the front window.
I wanted to see what Papa was going to do with that thing.
I watched when he bent down poked it on its side.
Nothing happened.
       Maybe it was asleep.
                                                   I watched as Papa stood up
                                                   and walked behind it.

I thought he was going to let it sleep.
I watched him reach for a rope.
I watched him pull on the rope once.
Nothing happened.
I watched Papa pull on the rope a second time.
Suddenly there was a great big ROAR!
I was so 'SURPRISED' by that roar I fell off the sofa!
I quick jumped back up and watched as the Roaring Monster
                                     pulled Papa back and forth all over the yard.

When the big Roaring Monster finally stopped roaring and
Papa escaped, he was sweaty and had a red face. I watched as he
wiped his forehead and adjusted his hat. Then he pushed
that bad old thing back into the garage and closed the door.

When Papa came back in the house he asked me
if  I wanted to go outside. Yes, indeedy!
I'm always puppy jumping, tail wagging ready to go outside. 
Only wait! Was is it safe for my little puppyself  to be out there?
 I, Lola Grace, before putting one furry puppy paw,
let alone all four of my puppy paws, into the yard,  needed
to find out if the Roaring Monster was still inside the garage.
I looked every which way and the good news is no
Roaring Monster was in sight! It was safe for me
to run and jump and chase my little blue ball
without being chased or pulled or roared at by Papa's toy!
I have decided the 'Staying Inside While Papa's Mowing Rule'
 is okay by me and I promise to always follow that rule.
I, Lola Grace, am a very lucky puppy,
even if I do say so myself, to be kept safe
from that 'Roaring Monster'.
 ~ Lola Grace
ps:  Lola's Rule #2
'Mow time is No time to be outside'!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lola Grace, Detective

I, Lola Grace, am a very good detective, even if I do say so myself.
Dove and Papa try to hide a lot of great things from me but I sniff and look
and look and sniff until I find exactly what I was looking for. Papa is not a very good hider so I,  Detective Lola Grace,
usually find things he has hidden pretty quickly.
Papa hid the red lava rocks under a pile of  evergreen leaves but
I sniffed them out. I pushed through the leaves with my paws
and found a big beautiful red rock to grab.  It was sooo big
and delicious looking I quickly pounced on it, and picked it up with my mouth.
And, guess what?  That rock filled my whole puppy mouth! 
It was awesome! I was so excited I ran around the backyard with it.
When Papa saw what I had in my little puppy mouth, he said,
"How did you find those rocks, you little dickens?"
I think he meant to say 'detective' but it sure sounded like 'dickens' to me.
Maybe that's another name for a really good detective,
'cause, as a reward for making this discovery
Papa went inside to get me a treat.
I had to drop the lava rock to eat my treat but
I didn't mind because the treat was sooo good!
I will be making more discoveries because I, Lola Grace, am a really great detective, even if I have to say so myself!
Come back and visit me again to read more of my adventures! ~ Lola Grace

ps: I'll be looking for you!

Monday, July 11, 2011


I,  Lola Grace,  am a very friendly dog, if I do say so myself.
I wag my tail and run lickety split to the door when anyone comes to visit. Dove always hurries to take me outside to meet visitors before they come in the house. She said it's because she doesn't want me to 'leak my hello all over the floor'. 
Wow!  I didn't know that!
I thought I only wagged my tail
and barked my hello.
Learning that I do tricks without even trying
must mean I have a hidden talent! Not that I am bragging or anything like that, well, okay . . .
maybe I am . . . just a little bit.
Dove will say, "Lola Grace, you little Squirt, let's go outside and see who is here"  and then she says, "Lola Grace, I really mean  'GO' outside!" Sure thing! No problem!  I lovooove going outside.
Only thing is I wonder why Dove thinks she has to ask me twice?  
Dove or Papa will usually take me outside before letting company in the house.
I think it's 'A Rule' they have. They seem to have lots of those things!  I don't remember all of them but this one is easy. I like remembering this 'Outside Rule' because saying hello outside is great. Sometimes visitors will stay outside with me and play catch with my most favorite toy,
my little blue ball! I think I will make that  'A Lola Grace Rule'!
So if you come to visit me, remember that  I, Lola Grace,
a very friendly dog, even if I do say so myself, have a rule that once I  meet and greet you outside, we have to play catch!
Bye for now ~ Lola Grace
ps: I'll catch you later!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lola Grace on Vacation

I, Lola Grace, am a very good guest, even if I do say so myself.
I have the best owners and they take great care of me.
I even have two wonderful puppy homes to live at.
This summer when Papa and Dove went on a vacation
I went to stay with my most favorite girl person of all.
Her name is Ashtyn Marie~Gabrielle
and she loves my little furry self very much.!
I love her beautiful freckly self very much too!
She cuddled with me and took me outside for a walk.
She said the walk was for me to do 'my business'.
She told me to do 'big business' and then she wanted me
to do 'little business'. I don't exactly know what 'business'
 I am in but I must be very good at it because she tells me,
"You are such a good girl, my little Angel Baby, Lola"!
When she took me back inside she told everyone
'I had done my business' and they all said what a good puppy I was!
And I was being a really good puppy just like Dove and Papa told me to be.
Well, I was mostly good.  There was, however, a wee small  break in my
puppy goodness when I accidently pulled my leash out of Ashtyn's hand
and ran like the wind down the driveway.
Suddenly, Ashtyn and her Mama and Daddy were racing after me.
Wow!  Three playmates running with me at one time.
Yipee! We were having a race! Let's go!
But then I heard, "No Lola!"  "Stop!"  "Lola, stop!"
Before I knew it I was being picked up and all kinds of
frack-a-ma-roll happened.
I was being hugged and kissed and then,  I was being, scolded!
Yes! It's hard to believe, I know!
Yes, me,! 
Lola Grace! Angel Baby! Chica! Good Girl!
Whaat did I do? Ashtyn was crying big teardrops and sobbing!
Then poor Ashtyn said, "You could have been killed!
You don't want to be killed, do you?
Ooh! I don't know what 'killed' meant but
I didn't think it sounded like a good thing
to 'be killed' so ugh no, I don't think so!
No! I just want to  be a Lola,
my very good unkilled furry puppyself!
After that one misadventure any time
Ashtyn took me outside,
she held on very tight to my leash.
When I wanted to run speedy fast
she said, "Not so fast, Missy!"
You don't want to be killed, do you?"
Even though I had already answered that question
 just to be on the safe side, my answer is still, "No!"
Whenever we went outside after that we still  ran fast
just not 'like the wind' fast. That was fine by me.
I loved staying with Ashtyn at my other house with her
Mama, Daddy, Andrew and Devin.
I had a wonderful time.
I hope I can go back there again!
Come visit me again and remember
don't 'be killed',
'cause that does not sound
like a good thing to be at all!
Lola Grace

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Few Of My Favorite Things

I, Lola Grace, a very tasteful puppy, even if I do say so myself,
pass the time by doing some very interesting things.
One of  my  favorite tricks was when I knocked down my portable pet playpen by running and bouncing against all the sides over an over . . . when it finally fell over it made a loud noise. I barked at it then jumped on top of it just in case it was going to try to get back up.
It didn't!
Dove was not happy about the playpen!
I have chewed on and tasted  a great number of interesting things.
I chewed the zipper pull right off my pet stroller, but before I could really taste it,
Dove said she was not happy about it and took it away from me.
I bit off  a set of small tree lights on a string one by one from the palm tree behind the sofa . . .  and proudly brought them to Papa.
Papa was not happy about this. 
I did a super neat trick when I jumped up and grabbed the tiebacks to the living room curtains, dragged them down and chewed the tassles off  and made a great string art floor design on the living room carpet.
Both Papa and Dove were not amused by this trick.
In fact, they grumbled the whole time they were on their hands and knees taking apart my beautiful string artwork.
I chewed holes in Dove's favorite sweater when she left it hanging on the back of her desk chair.
Dove was not happy with the holes I made on her sweater.
These people are sure hard to please!
Oooh! Another great time was when I grabbed  the new roll of paper in the bathroom and ran with it down the hall and into the dining room, living room and kitchen! That was so much fun!  Papa and Dove and I had a great time chasing each other through the house.
Although, we did have to stop a few times because they were out of breath, but good pet that I am, I waited until they were ready to play some more. It was fun until they took away the toilet paper from me and threw it away. Dove said we 'were on a roll' and told Papa not to waste the paper because he looked 'pooped out'!  I didn't know that!
I thought I was the only one who was supposed to poop outside!
Papa doesn't  like me chewing on  lava rocks, twigs, leaves, spinners and clumps of grass in the yard.
He chases me all over the yard and takes them from me. I think he should find his own and leave mine alone.
He was really not happy when I ate the cracked eggshell that had fallen from a bird's nest.
Sometimes, I just can't seem to please that man!
Oh!  Now this was a great trick. It took a long time but I managed to take the chip identification tag off the ring on my collar - while I was wearing it!
Dove said I am a 'contortionist'. I think that is a good thing to be!
I've chewed on a lot of great tasting toys in my young puppy life. Here are a few of them.
My favorite pink pig that oinked, oinks no more.
My dog that barked, doesn't.
My donkey that brayed is silent.
The roaring lion roars no more.
My favorite yellow duck that quacked quit quacking and the gray elephant, minus its tail, 
hasn't made a sound for days!
These are just a few of my favorite things.
All Dove and Papa have said about these toys is, "That another one bit the dust!"
I hope I never bite dust!  'Cause if I did I might wake up  . . . and not be able to bark!
So, no dust for me. Dust will never be on my favorite things list.
Now I will tell you about my most favorite toy of all, my little blue ball.
I love to chase that crazy little thing.
Sometimes when I chew on it, it squeaks.
Papa and Dove like when I catch the ball.
I know this because they clap and say what a good girl I am. I like hearing that.
Another favorite of mine is to chase ice cubes on the kitchen floor. They slide all over the place then disappear like magic! Papa always finds them and brings them back to me.
I'm glad I finally found something else that man likes.
I hope you have lots of favorite things too.
Come back and visit again.
 I, Lola Grace, a very tasteful puppy, even if I do say so myself,  will have lots more to share with you.
~ Bye for now ~

Showers Of Love

I, Lola Grace, a very sweet puppy, even if I do say so myself,
was minding my own furry business when I was picked up and
cuddled by Dove. I love when she does that! I was cooed over and petted,  enjoying being spoiled with love . . . when she suddenly placed me on a towel in the sink. I quickly realized I had been here before. I hadn't much cared for the experience then and I wasn't keen on a repeat.  Dove! Wait! Stop!  I want out!  I wiggled and squirmed and twisted and turned, giving my best Lola moves to escape. I do not want to be here . . . . .
it was a hot 90 degrees outside and I had just come
back indoors from playing catch for 20 minutes,
I need time to be refreshed with more than the drink of water and ice cube I had  been given to enjoy!
So I wiggled and I struggled with all my 8 pounds of squirming self
but, doggone it all, Dove held me firmly in place. I tried making one more attempt to escape . . .  ready,    set,    go  . . .  but . . .   then
a light spray of warm water began trickling  softly down my back, soaking my fur and oooh it felt so good!
Hey, this wasn't so bad, I actually liked this
especially when Dove began massaging my little self
with sudsy bubbles, then rinsed me with that warm refreshing water. She even did it a second time!  Aaah! This feels sooo good! I turned this way and that so that she could wash my beautiful furry self all over.
I loved getting my legs, paws, chest, belly, and tail wet. This was great!  Hey, not my head! Watch the hairdo, Dove!
Well, okay, that was a quick double wash and rinse but I think one head washing would be enough!
After a final rinse Dove wrapped me in a big, soft towel and held me close, cooing that I was such a good girl!
I like hearing that. "Pretty baby," she said. "You smell so goood, you feel sooo soft!" More, more, tell me more! Papa was there too. He took me from Dove and we went outside where he dried me off repeating everything Dove said! Oooh I do have to say, I looove hearing these compliments!  After Papa put me down I shook my beautiful wet self over and over spraying him with water before he could get away! It was fun watching Papa trying to run away from me! He doesn't run very fast and I caught up with him in no time and shook water on him again!
I ran lickety-split through the grass in the backyard
letting the hot air and breeze dry my fur. Papa even played catch with me for a little while. When Dove came outside to sit on the swing she lifted
me up and gently brushed my fur. Ooooh! I am such a lucky puppy, I even
got a treat when we went back inside, because,  even if I do say so myself,  I, Lola Grace, a very sweet puppy, deserved one.  Yawn! I'm feeling sleepy.  I think I'll curl up, take a nice long nap
and dream about all the lovely 'Showers of Love' I received this day. ~ Goodnight!